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Game Cheats
If you have a new cheat let me know by e-mail chaos_studios13@yahoo.ca

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas:

weapons cheat #1: R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP  

weapons cheat #2: R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP LEFT. DOWN, DOWN, LEFT

weapons cheat #3: R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

armor, health, and money: R1, R2, L1, X, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP                      NOTE: if this cheat is enabled while you are in your car it will repair your car

raise wanted level: R1, R1, O, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT

lower wanted level: R1, R1, O, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

invisible cars: TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE, R2, SQUARE, L1, L1

drive on water: RIGHT, R2, O, R1, L2, SQUARE, R1, R2

black traffic: O, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, O

pink traffic: O, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE

pedestrians riot: DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, X, R2, R1, L2, L1

cloudy weather: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE

foggy weather: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

stormy weather: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, O

sunny weather: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE

commit suicide: RIGHT, L2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, L2, L1

destroy all cars: R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, O, TRIANGLE, L2, L1

spawn bloodring banger: DOWN, R1, O, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, LEFT, LEFT

spawn caddy: O, L1, UP, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X

spawn hotring racer: R1, O, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1

spawn jetpack: L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT


I hope you enjoy the cheats given thanx!!!

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